Friday, March 28, 2014

Ways to Increase Battery Life of Your Laptop


Expert Author Keith Auerbach
Even with all the modern technology that is available in the world today, there still is not a laptop battery that can last all day long without it being recharged. This can be rather irritating especially if you can not find a plug to plug your laptop into. This always happens when you need your laptop the most, Murphy's Law you know.
Here are some tips on how to preserve the life of your laptop battery during the day or evening so you can avoid having to scramble for an outlet.
1. Screen Backlighting
Lowering the brightness of your screen will save you a lot of battery life as the brightness takes up a lot of battery juice. Set your backlighting so that it automatically lowers when you unplug your laptop.
2. Stop scheduled tasks
Your virus scanner and automatic updates run on a regular schedule. Disconnect these from automatic so you have to turn them on manually. This will save on your battery life. Run these only when your laptop is plugged into an outlet.
3. Unplug USB devices and discs.
When you have something plugged into your USB drive your laptop's battery is constantly connected to that device. The same with CD's which are sitting idle in your laptop; even though they are not being used, your laptop is reading them. Remove what you don't need to use when using your laptop if it is not plugged in.
4. Turn off all messaging apps.
By turning off your messaging apps and Skype you will be able to save a lot of battery life as these apps are constantly pinging the web. If you are watching a movie or working on a project you don't want to be bothered anyway so turn these off and watch how much juice your battery will keep.
5. Turn off your volume
If you are not in need of using your volume control while you are working on your laptop simply turn it off or mute it. Believe it or not even if you put your volume control all of the way to the lowest mark it is still using your battery. Simply shut it off or mute it when you are not using it.
6. Clean your battery contact
By using rubbing alcohol and water wipe down the contacts on your laptop battery. Making sure your battery contacts stay clean will help preserve the live of your battery. Make sure they are completely dried before returning the battery to your laptop.

Can the Government Really View Your Emails?


Expert Author Keith Auerbach
Internet and email users expect their information and interaction with others is inherently private. That is not the case. The FBI routinely conducts scans and screens on a regular basis. The Freedom of Information Act has opened the door to a new dawn of internet scrutiny. What does that mean for the average person who is using email to correspond with family, friends and business contacts?
Some basic security precautions are to think before acting. Never open attachments from unknown or unauthorized sources. Hackers use these to infect computers with viruses, to steal information and even bank accounts.
Anyone who uses their employer's internet service to send personal emails can expect that information to be read on a regular basis. Most companies now require new associates or employees to sign a waiver allowing the employer to do so. Since many new hires sign anything placed before them, you may have done this and never even knew it.
All email and internet contact leaves an indelible record. Just clicking the Delete button does not erase the message. People trained and skilled in retrieval can recover this information and bring it back to haunt the person who wrote it.
These can be used in court, in custody disputes and divorce cases.
What does that mean for the right of speech and reasonable privacy? The public has a right to privacy as long as that right is not used outside the bounds of the law. If the police, FBI or any other law enforcement agency feels the need to inspect a person's email and internet usage, all rights are immediately forfeited. There are ways to ensure security and privacy for someone who is honest and ethical, one who just desires a bit of privacy.
Email and internet security can be found through Remailers. These are networks that receive coded messages with instructions on where to send them without revealing where they originated. More and more email servers are emerging that do not require the user to provide their actual name, telephone number or other information. These can be had for a monthly or yearly fee.
While once the domain of radicals or people who have something to hide, these remailers and email servers are becoming more popular as privacy concerns arise. A sharp increase in identity theft, banking hacks and other issues that create a sense of violation, make these a haven for honest people.
Cookies are collected by almost every place a user visits. These can be seen by anyone monitoring that website and allow an innocent user to be located if the government, FBI or any other agency chooses to do so.
Email privacy and security essentials are serious matters, one that is individual to every person. Some people just don't care if their communications are read because they have nothing to hide; others have nothing to hide but demand privacy because it should be expected. Whatever one's decision, research shows this is an issue that will only become more prevalent as internet use continues to increase.

Unlimited Hosting And Its Limitations


Expert Author Alex H D
Many people are under the impression that unlimited hosting is the answer to all their problems to web site resource management. This is a myth. Web resource management is a key question for any organization, small or big.
Any organization with a limited number of employees or participants, need email addresses for them. One key resource is providing email addresses for all the participants.
Email Addresses
Many providers will limit the number of email addresses you can create and the storage space you can use in each email address. Some providers do not tell you the limits upfront and will implicitly restrict this later on when you start using the service. You should always try to find out from your provider if there are any limits on the number of email addresses beforehand. You don't want to get stuck with a provider and find out later on that there are limits on the number of email addresses you can have or there is a limit on the storage space that each of your email address can have. An unlimited hosting provider may or may not necessarily provide unlimited email addresses for each account. The limit may be one fold, or two fold. You should be aware and ask questions before you buy.
Storage Space
Many providers say that the storage space provided is "unlimited" so to speak. But none of them technically mean that you can use as much hard drive space as you want. No one in this world can actually provide you with as much hard drive space as you want, because the resources in this world are inherently limited and making a promise of giving you something that implies that it is "infinite" so to speak is counter intuitive. However, that being said - "unlimited" is generally is interpreted as being as required by the user, in keeping with practices of the trade. That being said, as a user you should not imagine that if you need 500GB of space, an account that is $1 a month would be enough for you. If you are a user that is running a video streaming service, you cannot expect that you can host that for $1 per month. Always remember that getting something for nothing is non existent. You never get a free lunch in life.
SQL Storage
Many providers will restrict the amount of SQL space you can use, the providers do this using Cloud Linux, and by making hard restrictions based on it. Depending on what you need as a user, you should investigate this key limitation for your needs. If you need to make 65000 SQL connections to a 5GB SQL database, you cannot expect to be satisfied with your $1 per month account. Always ask questions, rather than getting into an account that makes you promise a three year contract, before you buy. Rather, chose a month to month account and use it for a few months, and then move to a three year contract to save on money.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

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What Is Involved In Setting Up A Website?


Expert Author Vicki Stanley Brown
How do you get a website up and running? This is a question I find myself answering over and over again. It is a very good question too that not too many people explain.
We have all visited a website at one time or another in search of information or to shop. It is very simple on our end to do this but when you stop to think about how that website came into existence does anything come to mind?
Start a website by picking a name, registering that name, and then hosting the files it contains. After all this is complete content is added. I know this sounds like a lot of steps however; after you build your cool website and see people gravitate to it, all the work is worth it.
Step One - Select a website name. This is what will be typed in search engines or directly into the HTTP bar. This is how people find you site. Make a list of names you like; I suggest you choose ten. Give some thought to what names you are picking and work towards making them relevant and easy to spell. Remember, you are working towards attracting visitors. If a name you chose is already owned you will have to pick another one; this is why I suggested you write down ten. The price charged for a website name (domain name) depends on the extension you choose (.com, .me, .org, etc)
Step Two - Register your name. Now that you have a website name (domain) you will need it registered. This consists of finding a domain name registrar. Registrars are organizations that manage internet names. They are also accredited. Once you have a domain and it is registered you now need to host it.
Step Three - Website hosting. Hosting is where your website addresses lands. Website (domain) hosting is a computer that stores files and is connected to the internet, where web surfers (people) can access them. This includes the pages that make up the website.
Some companies offer hosting, registration, and design as a package. Sometimes this comes with a higher price than purchasing the services separately. Hosting companies will offer different plan and allocate a certain amount of space on their server for webpage's and content. Make sure to research how the hosting company handles uploads and changes to a website.
Once all the steps above are complete you are now ready to add content. You can either learn to do this yourself with tools or pay someone to design it for you. Adding content is not the only step left to complete. You still need to get this website noticed by search engines. This is done by marketing.

Computer Graphics And Animations And Entertainment Industry


An industry that has undergone a sea change with the advent of animation and computer graphics has to be entertainment. For a long time, innovators in the CGI sector have striven to bring work involving detailed realism. In previous times, works of animation were shaped up with the help of contrived suits or animatronics. However, the animators worked hard to bring amazing developments in animations and graphics, whilst the possibilities in entertainment continued to expand.
The evolution of digital animation via movies
The first film to apply the principles of animation was Star Wars in circa 1977. The line of the canyon on the death star was drawn with the help of computer graphics. The line was drawn using the basic skeletal line frame. Further, in 1980s films such as The Last Fighter and Tron made vehicles move with the assistance of animations only. In 1993, the entire definition of computer-generated graphics was overhauled when a film named Jurassic Park hit the theaters.
Impact of new-age Sci-fi and fantasy films
The high-class narration required in sci-fi and several fantasy films has helped CGI to evolve. J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings series required some demanding locations that have been made possible through high-quality computer-generated imagery and graphics. Further, all the prequels to Star Wars series was made possible with the marvels of CGI itself.
Video Games
The advent of superior video games required the use of top-notch CGIs to give the gamer a lifelike experience. The observers are quick to state that no other field of entertainment has tapped the benefits of graphics and animation in a way video games have done. Pick up the sales record of leading games such as Fallout 3, Grand Theft Auto and Oblivion, and you will notice the difference.
Computer graphics and animation as a career option
Currently, the entertainment industry is facing a deficit of quality computer graphic artists, animators as well as desktop publisher. For such purpose several institutes have come up to bridge this gap. All you need is a creative bent of mind and passion to learn. Career in graphics and computer animation can be rewarding. Types of career options to choose from:-
1. Animator:
Also referred to as a multimedia artist, an animator's job is to construct visual images such as special effects and animations using computer and electronic media devices. Sign up for courses from a leading animation institute in Delhi. There are several 3d animation courses in Delhi to choose from.
2. Graphic Designer:
Proverbial by the name of graphic artists, the graphic designers create visual solutions for conveying a message. A graphic artist puts to use different electronic media such as illustration, animation and photography. Also, the artists use several prints to express the desired message.
3. Desktop Publisher:
Whenever a professional combines graphic art and text to convey a message, then s/he is known as Desktop Publisher. Whenever illustrations, animations and photographs are found in a document then a desktop publisher is at work.
Such wide career options have helped in making the field of animation become prosperous. Further, as the need to convey messages expressively grows, so as the scope of computer graphics and animation.
We offer job placement assistance to students & recruitment assistance to studios & companies looking to hire trained animator, web designer or 3D, 2d professionals. We conducts seminars and placement workshops for the students focusing on developing useful skills for starting a career in the field of multimedia