Usually I don't normally write about network marketing due to my reputation but after taking much time to study this one be as it may I came to a realization that it is worth giving a try. And a try I actually gave it and within the first one month of running the program even though it takes a little hard work the result to me was enormous and I can confidently introduce the program to anyone who is will to do as I do that you will not regret you join the program and food wouldn't be a problem in your family.
Before I introduce the program to you let me share my personal testimony.
I joined the program with N6,500 happily. Even though that looks like a lot of money to many and I was given a starter pack worth N1,200. Too small you may say and ask where went the remaining N5,300? I will explain all these after my testimony. After few weeks I told my friends about the program and about 26 of them decide to join and more are still joining anyways. I did all these by just creating a whatsapp broadcast list and inviting them into the program. I decided not to create a group because of the following reasons:
1. It will be convenient for people to leave the group and these can discourage others
2. Some will use the group as a liberty to advertise other programs which can create unrest in the group
3. Others can use the platform to say some things about the program to discourage others and I wanted to avoid this by all means.
4. Others might want to high jack the group which might create chaos.
And many more. So, to avoid all these I added everyone to the list that I personally felt I can help to curb hunger through the program. However, those who do not want the broadcast privately chat me up to be removed and I did that with utmost respect for their opinion without anyone knowing and without creating much ado about it. This is why i opted for the broadcast list and it works like wild fire. There are others who were skeptical initially about the program but later changed their mind and joined and are really doing great. I continue my testimony.
In few weeks by introducing others into the program I have made $86.4 worth of food stuff and my wife too has made $70.6 worth of food which is a total of $157 worth of food stuff. And with just N6,500 for me and my wife I was able to get the following foodstuff:
1. Two (2) bags of Rice
2. Two (5) gallon of king's vegetable oil (5 litres)
3. One (1) golden penny semovita 10kg
4. Two (2) Milo sachet 500g
5. Two (2) Peak milk sachet 500g
6. One (1) carton of Dangote Noodles 70g (40 packs)
7. One (1) Packet of Knorr cubes maggi
8. One (1) golden Morn 50g
9. One (1) Dangote Sugar 1kg
10. One (1) ijebu lawa garri 2kg
11. Three (3) Tin tomatoes 400gms
If you know the price of all the list above kindly tell me if I have made a bad decision or not and this is just in level one. I will show you what will happen in the next level. Let me my friend introduce to you a program that has transform food provision in my home and has driven hunger far away from here and this can do the same for you, it is called "HAPPY WORLD MEAL GATE". Come along with me:
Happy World Meal Gate (HWMG) is an online network marketing company duly registered in Nigeria, that is set to eradicate poverty and hunger in Nigeria.
Happy world is not a Ponzi scheme. No ooooo... Not at all!!!
HWMG are in partnership with Dangote, PZ and Nestle.
This business came up in Nigeria in November 2016 but now fully active since January 2017.
At the point of registering with N6,400 + N100 bank charges making it N6,500,you will receive a welcome package of Milk,Milo or Goldenmorn (you choose any) with Maggi.
Six (6) Stages make up Mealgate's Matrix
- *FARM FEED STAGE*(Entry stage)
Here 6 downlines are needed. On completing the stage you will receive a total bonus of $54.4=N10,880
This bonus are paid as food items.
14 downlines to complete the matrix. this 14 are made up of your direct and indirect downlines in all the stages .
You get a total bonus of $384=N76,000 on completing the stage.
The bonus in this stage are in food items with the concept of *"FEED YOURSELF AND HELP FEED OTHERS"*
14 people required to complete the matrix.
*You get free food items worth $150=N30,000 for 7 MONTHS*
When you complete the stage you get a total bonus of $920=N184,000
*40% of the bonus as food items=N73,000*
*60% of it as cash $552=N110,400*
14 peolpe needed.On completing the stage you will receive a total bonus of $4,200=N840,000
*40% of the bouns as fooditems*
*60% as cash $2,520=N504,000*
Apart from the above you will also go on *FREE TRIP to Saudi Arabia or Umrah, Israel or Dubai*,the trip is inclusive of $5,000 *Travelling Allowance*
*A brand new car* worth $22,000=N4,400,000 will be yours.
14 people.
You qualify for *free food items for 12 MONTHS*.
On completing the stage you will receive a total bonus of $7,240=N1,448,000.
*40% of it as food items $2,892=N579,200*
*60% as cash $4,344=N868,800
You also get *a brand new SUV (JEEP)* $30,000=N6,000,000
This is the final stage *Infinity earning of $6,000=N1,200,000* from every of your team member that join you.
Bonus here is also *40% food items and 60% cash*
If you are interested in the program kindly contact me through the following details:
Mobile/Whatsapp: +2348062451455