Thursday, October 29, 2020



Before I tell you more about CashMore, let me let you into a little secret. In recent years the Telecommunication industry is gradually overtaken the oil and Gas Industries in terms of revenue generation.

This makes the Telecommunication Industry the new Oil Well. The reason for this is not far fetched:

1. Everyone today seems to use Airtime on a regular bases

2. Data is gradually becoming life according to Glo adverts as with it social media is gradually going crazy as people don't seems to comfortable without data.

3. Can you do without your TV Subscriptions? If you can, can your family do without it? To keep them at home, busy and keep yourself informed too, you need the TV subscriptions 

4. What about electricity bills?

All these you can do at the comfort of your home with CASHMORE. Besides, at this period that our nation is no longer safe with all the wahala, pandemonium, and the hullaballoo, you can stay safe at home and stay connected to the world with the help of CashMore.

More interesting about us is that while you are making all these transactions you get paid and rewarded and share in the multi-billion telecommunication industry. Find details below:

Welcome to the CashMore side of life!

A community of smart people using the power of recharge to build wealth for themselves.

Who gets the profits for all your recharge, subscription and bill payments? With CashMore, the answer is you! Every action on CashMore brings you closer to achieving your financial freedom.

In CashMore, we have Referral and Non-referral biz. One can do both or choose area of interest.

To join we have 5 membership packages:

Basic        N1,000 

Bronze     N2,500 

Silver        N5,000 

Gold         N7,500 

Diamond  N10,000 

The difference in these packages is only in the referral (networking) part of the biz. So if you don't want to do the referral part, you may just register as a Basic member and do the non referral aspect.


Non Referral biz

++ Immediately u register you earn 20%    of your registration money.

++ You earn 2% of all recharges you do either on your line or other people's line

++  You earn 10% on all data purchases either on your line or other people's lines

++  You do all cable TV businesses with only N60 charge because you are paid back N40 from the usual N100 charged by Banks and Quick Teller.


All transactions are through VTU (Virtual Top up), no paper recharge cards or physical medium of recharges or data purchases.

Referral biz

Referral Bonuses:

Your own registration bonus.    20%

Direct referral bonus          20%

2nd level.                         10%

3rd level.                              5%

4th level.                              2.5%

5th level.                              1.5%

6th to 10th level.              1% each     

Transaction commissions            

++ 0.35% on all team members recharges for life

++  1% of all team members data purchases for life


All packages come with point values:

Basic:        10pv

Bronze:      25pv

Silver:         50pv

Gold:         75pv

Diamond:  100pv

Everyone that joins under you directly or indirectly adds points to you, and these accumulate and turn to cash awards for you.



Any month you aggregate 10,000 points by team production you earn N50,000 cash award and 25,000 points earns you N100,000


Any time u and your team aggregate 60,000 by continuous accumulation you earn yourself a Dubai trip or collect N500,000 cash award


100,000 Points accumulated earns you N2m  small car Award


250,000 Points accumulated earns you N3m FIRST House Fund Award.


500,000 accumulated earns you N4m SECOND House Fund Award.


1,000,000 points accumulated earns you N6m THIRD House Fund Award.


All the points that result in all these awards come by team production and can result at anytime; no flushing of points until you make it at your own time

Note: I know you will say you have so many before and they all fail. The truth is others succeeded  while you fail. The different here is leave the building of the team for us and the referral aspect as well... just register and see the wonders of working together as a team.

The earlier the better. Be among the first 300 and thank me later. Inbox me to position yourself now:


Click here to register and activate your account: 

Monday, October 19, 2020


CapitalSage Investment Limited is about to launch a new product and an opportunity that could change your life forever.

This new product is called CashMore, it is related to RAGP but it is more affordable and flexible.

I know most of you do not like referral program but this time you don't have a choice because  I want us all to work together and achieve a common goal.

We have a team of over 40,000 followers and I put a system in place where everyone who registered will be well placed whether you refer or not. All you need to  do is to register. Leave the building of the team for me (B. B. Emmanuel), I will take care of it and can assure you of all the benefits of the team.

The program will launch in October and you are guaranteed as early birds to be well positioned and placed as the building of the team is on First Come First Placed bases.

If you are interested kindly inbox so we start building our tree before the launch.

I need the first three hundred ready participants to lead our forty thousand followers. It's the best I can do for you as my friends. Please, take advantage of this before you start struggling. I want us to succeed together this time. Together we can.

This is a brief introduction of what the program look like 👇👇👇

In CashMore, we have Referral and Non-referral biz. One can do both or choose area of interest.

To join we have 5 membership packages:

Basic N1,000 

Bronze   N2,500 

Silver       N5,000 

Gold         N7,500 

Diamond  N10,000 

The difference in these packages is only in the referral (networking) part of the biz. So if you don't want to do the referral part, you may just register as a Basic member and do the non referral aspect.


Non Referral biz

++ Immediately u register you earn 20%    of your registration money.

++ You earn 2% of all recharges you do either on your line or other people's line

++  You earn 10% on all data purchases either on your line or other people's lines

++  You do all cable TV businesses with only N60 charge because you are paid back N40 from the usual N100 charged by Banks and Quick Teller.


All transactions are through VTU (Virtual Top up), no paper recharge cards or physical medium of recharges or data purchases.

Referral biz

Referral Bonuses:

Your own registration bonus.    20%

Direct referral bonus          20%

2nd level.                         10%

3rd level.                              5%

4th level.                              2.5%

5th level.                              1.5%

6th to 10th level.              1% each     

Transaction commissions            

++ 0.35% on all team members recharges for life

++  1% of all team members data purchases for life


All packages come with point values:

Basic:        10pv

Bronze:      25pv

Silver:         50pv

Gold:         75pv

Diamond:  100pv

Everyone that joins under you directly or indirectly adds points to you, and these accumulate and turn to cash awards for you.



Any month you aggregate 10,000 points by team production you earn N50,000 cash award and 25,000 points earns you N100,000


Any time u and your team aggregate 60,000 by continuous accumulation you earn yourself a Dubai trip or collect N500,000 cash award


100,000 Points accumulated earns you N2m  small car Award


250,000 Points accumulated earns you N3m FIRST House Fund Award.


500,000 accumulated earns you N4m SECOND House Fund Award.


1,000,000 points accumulated earns you N6m THIRD House Fund Award.


All the points that result in all these awards come by team production and can result at anytime; no flushing of points until you make it at your own time

Note: I know you will say you have so many before and they all fail. The truth is others succeeded  while you fail. The different here is leave the building of the team for us and the referral aspect as well... just register and see the wonders of working together as a team.

The earlier the better. Be among the first 300 and thank me later. 

For further inquiry call or WhatsApp: +2348062451455

Sunday, May 31, 2020




I have the permission of Pastor Adelokun (not real name) to share his life experience with you so that you can learn from his true life bitter story. 

"Doctor you infected my child with HIV: I will sue you and your generation" These were the words of Pastor Adelokun to me in the children out patient clinic the day in question. As he was threatening brimstone,his wife, who was a nurse, was spitting fire. The threat was directed towards me because I happened to be the one that attended to the same sick child 3 months ago when he was very sick and we had to give him blood.
For you to understand the present event, let's go back to what happened three months before.

Three months before this event I was on call in our children emergency when Pastor Adelokun brought the same 3 years old sick son. We diagnosed the child to have severe malaria with severe anemia ( very low blood level). We needed to give the child blood and Pastor Adelokun said he would prefer to donate blood to his child because he didn't want just anybody's blood that would give his child HIV. Medically speaking this is actually the best practice if family can donate to family.

We tested pastor Adelokun's blood it was free from every infection including HIV. Mind you our nigerian laboratory system can only detect HIV that is more than 2 weeks in the blood in most cases. If someone gets HIV today, the person enters what we call window period whereby if the person is tested for HIV with some HIV tests the tests will not show positive until like 6 to 8 weeks when the person's body has produced enough antibody or with the best of test kit that can discover it as early as 2 weeks after getting infected. The risk is always there. 
We transfused pastor Adelokun son with his blood. We treated the malaria. The child got well and we discharged them. 

After like 2 months,pastor Adelokun and his nurse wife discovered some rashes on the body of their child and the child became very sick again. The child was treated by the nurse wife at home. He got better. A month after this, the child became sick again which necessitated this children outpatient clinic visit where the above fight ensued.

Pastor Adelokun caused a scene that day in the clinic because we did quick HIV test for the child from the side laboratory close to the clinic because of the rash in the child's body which was suspicious of HIV and the test came out positive. Now the question was where could this child probably get HIV from? The only and one obvious source was the blood transfusion of 3 months ago when he was sick with malaria and anemia. Pastor Adelokun was furious because according to him we might have used another person's blood instead of his that he donated for his child and he was negative so where could the HIV come from if not from our mistake. This was the reason he and his wife were ready to kill us if possible that day. After a while the situation was calmed down by the senior doctors in the clinic that day. Then the next plea with pastor Adelokun was to allow his HIV test to be repeated. He confidently agreed to this because he was so sure he was negative but to everybody surprise his test came back HIV positive. Now there was silence everywhere. The question running through everybody's mind was where did pastor with HIV negative nurse wife get HIV from. The wife was in shock. Out of fear and disbelief she too volunteered to be tested. She too came out to be HIV positive. Utter confusion. She was in denial. Eventhough she was a nurse ,at risk of HIV by the virtue of her work,she had never had needle prick at work she claimed,no blood splash on the face or anything that could put her at risk of contracting HIV and she still did her HIV test 3 months ago at work. She was negative. The utter confusion continued that day until pastor Adelokun opened up to us all on what happened in their home almost 4 months ago( like 1 week before the child's first sickness).

He said and I quote...." I think satan has succeeded in destroying my life eventually. I am afraid this may be as a result of the sin I committed like 4 months ago. All my life I have been faithful in serving God and being faithful to my marital oath ever since I got married 10 years ago until 4 months ago doctor when my wife went for her nurse night shift and I was home alone with our new house girl. This girl has been tempting me every night whenever my wife went for night duty. She would wear transparent night gowns and sat in the sitting room with me. I did all to resist this for a while but 4 months ago i crashed doctor i slept with her. I dont know but i think i might have gotten this HIV from her because this is the only way I have erred I could remember" 

Everybody was quiet and everywhere silent. We must resolve this matter today and get to the root of the matter. Our most senior doctor requested for the house girl to come to the hospital for her own HIV test. She came ,tested and she too was HIV positive. Another round of silence everywhere. Everybody involved sobbing deeply except the sick 3 years old son who was too young to understand what was going on.

I was overwhelmed. I felt like crying. I had to take a walk to my car in the park. After 5 hours the matter was finally resolved. House girl gave pastor Adelokun HIV. Pastor Adelokun gave wife by sex and child by blood transfusion. I have been exonerated. My licence was safe one more time because this is the commonest threat doctors receive daily. "I will sue you. I will seize your licence". As I was walking towards my car that day a lot of lessons came knocking at the door of my brain. Below are the lessons:

1. Taking house girls to your home without conducting medical tests for them to be sure they are healthy is not too good an idea.

2. I equally learnt that pastor Adelokun was able to succumb to this temptation more because of the absence of his wife due to night duty. In as much as I wont blame the nurse wife for being a shift worker,generally i just learnt from this story that husband and wife should remain together as much as possible. This can really help in resisting this kind of temptation together.

3. I want to believe that if pastor Adelokun had told his wife long ago the temptation this house girl was putting him may be he would have escaped this night mare for himself and his family. Fighting your battle alone after marriage is wrong. This is never the purpose of God for marriage. 

4. Our health care laboratory system needs more improvement and very importantly also is for a doctor to document intoto all you do for your patient because threat may come beckoning for your licence someday.

Dr Adesida Adewumi 
Department of Family Medicine
Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital

Thursday, May 21, 2020


“Go ahead and be angry. You do well to be angry – but don’t use your anger as fuel for revenge. And don’t stay angry. Don’t go to bed angry. Don’t give the Devil that kind of foothold in your life.” Ephesians 4:26-27 Message Bible

Anger is common to every human being. We all get angry to one extent or another. Anger is a way of expressing dissatisfaction over an issue. It could also be a way of expressing disapproval over an injustice. According to our anchor scripture it’s okay to get angry provided it does not go beyond a certain limit.

The first thing you will notice is that once anger becomes a means of revenge it will turn out to become something harmful and destructive. It usually prompts us to do things that are irrational. At the end of the day we’ll end up saying things that we’ll regret of.

Going to bed still angry and mad at an individual is dangerous because we have given it enough room to turn to something else. It will attract wrong thoughts.

Staying angry is opening the door to the Devil to play over our hearts to perpetuate evil. Anger is a good breeding ground for evil when we live it unchecked. As soon as you get angry you must also begin to reverse the trend. You have to get over it on time or else it will get over you.

Getting over anger becomes possible when we choose to offer the offender unconditional forgiveness. When we choose to walk in God’s kind of love. This will insulate our hearts from destructive tendencies.

Uncontrolled anger will lead to hatred and bitterness. They will cause more harm than good in our lives.

1 John 3:14-15 says “…He that loveth not his brother abideth in death. Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.” It’s not until you carry a gun and shot someone that you become a murderer, once you hate an individual and refuse to forgive them you are already one. In your heart you have done it already.

My heart is filled with love. Insulated from bitterness.

Pastor Ola Aina

Monday, May 18, 2020


“And the Lord was with Joseph, and he was a prosperous man, and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian.” Genesis 39:2

The only way we could have described Joseph as a prosperous man from human perspective was when his father made for him the cloth of many colours. He was gorgeously arrayed. But eventually he was sold into slavery and became a servant in the house of the Egyptian. At this point he was no longer wearing a designer cloth. Eventually he found himself in the prison; the scripture said he was still a prosperous man (Genesis 39:23).

From this it seems to me that being a prosperous man is not just about riding the latest car in town. It’s not necessarily living in a mansion. Joseph had none of that. In the prison he must have been wearing prisoner cloths. The point is this: Joseph was not carrying plenty of money but he was carrying plenty of God. He had so much of God at work for him. This was why he could stand out in whatever state of life he found himself. 

When a man carries divine presence he carries everything. He may not have the goods of this world presently but it’s a matter of time, it will follow. Carrying divine presence means having the capacity to have every other thing. Even if you have so much money and you don’t have divine presence there will still be so much missing in your life. How do you describe someone that had so much money and influence but still committed suicide out of frustration? Certainly that was not a prosperous man.

Joseph was in prison but he was joyful, he had no fears. He had a deep assurance of God’s involvement. 
Our greatest pursuit in life should therefore be the pursuit of divine presence. It will mark you out in the business world. Your career will take on a new look. 

I am prosperous in life. I have God’s presence all over me. I have the capacity to attract all I need in life.

Pastor Ola Aina

Friday, May 15, 2020


“For at that time day by day there came to David to help him, until it was a great host, like the host of God.” 1 Chronicles 12:22

David was anointed to become a king over Israel right from a tender age. He really did not have any resources by himself to get to that throne. There were so many hurdles to cross to get to that throne. What God did was to organise men in thousands that literally helped David to get to where he was going.

These men came with weapons, resources, food materials, expertise and all that was required to establish God’s counsels for David.

This did not happen by chance. God organised this men to be available. This is also what God wants to do with our lives. There are people he had lined up in our path in life to get us to where we are going. The journey becomes easier and faster when we encounter such divine networking.

The mother of Moses dropped him by the sea side. By divine networking the daughter of Pharaoh picked him up and then employed the mother to take care of him. This didn’t happen by chance; God orchestrated everything. He knows who to place right where you’re going. This means in your life, there shouldn’t be unpleasant surprises; He’s the first and the last, and He’s organized everything from start to finish. Make a choice to go only in the direction He’s already charted for you. Some people go in the direction they created for themselves, and this is dangerous. In that path, there’s a lot of trouble, struggling and hardship. In God’s path, however, there’s no darkness. Everything is already prearranged according to the timing of His Spirit to be right there at the time you require it. This divine networking occurs as we learn to pray consistently in the Spirit. Men and resources are been moved in our favour.

Thank you Lord for opportunities you have created on my path in life. Thank you for networking my life.

Pastor Ola Aina

Sunday, May 10, 2020


A notable trait I had while growing up was anger. Never make me angry because if you do, you won't like me. I remember fighting my teachers who provoked me. They would flog me quite alright, but I would ensure that they disengaged from everything they were doing just to spend at least an hour on me. 

At home it was the same thing. You dare not beat me if you don't have enough time to spend on me, because I will create one for you. I was so stubborn that my mum called me a devil on several occasions. 

Even when I got born again, anger was still my weak point. I wanted it to leave me but didn't know how. I remember one time, after I had given my life to Christ and was working so hard to please God, my elder brother provoked me. All of a sudden my adrenaline rose up . It was as though my blood vessels would burst. All arteries and viens were out. 

I quickly rushed to my mum to complain, but she was so busy with what she was doing that she didn't pay attention. Then I said to her, wait now and see what will happen. I hurriedly picked a bottle around, broke it and ran towards my elder brother. I was going to stab him. 

Hmmmm.... Guess what? On the way, I suddenly heard a voice say; "but you said you were a Christian". I Immediately held myself back, fell to the ground and started weeping. "So I could still break bottles after all the efforts put in to live right with God?" I asked myself as I cried.

Don't forget at this time I had started leading prayers in church as a young teen. I couldn't imagine what God would say and how my church members would take it. I wept and wept. I lost all confidence in myself. I thought the righteous life wasn't for me. "Maybe I should forget about all these church things and live a wayward life since it is looking impossible for me to live right" I thought. I couldn't stand living in hypocrisy.

I truly gave up on myself. But God didn't give up on me. He held me close and kept me going. He made me see reasons to believe that it was only a failure and that I could still be better. Years have gone by brethren. I can testify that that anger is gone. I have watched myself go through things that I would have otherwise reacted to in anger, but in all of those I've seen God prevail over my heart with peace like a river. 

I don't know what your weaknesses are. I don't know what that besetting sin of yours is. Perhaps you have messed up severally until you've come to believe that holy living is not for you. That's a lie dear. Don't let those failures make you think the worst of yourself. God is still able to bring out sweetness from your life.

You might have promised not to fornicate again, but now, you just did it again. Oh no... I understand how you feel, but don't give up yet. God is still able to clean your mess and help you stand.

Just go to him with all your heart. He is able to succour you. I pray that God will give you feet to stand for him.




“For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.” Romans 8:6

Every human being is under one influence or the other. Our actions are motivated most of the time by forces that are higher than us. The greatest form of influence that we can have in our lives is the influence of the Holy Spirit.
We become spiritually minded when our thought pattern and dispositions to life are under the influence of the Holy Spirit. The NIV version of our anchor scripture above says “The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace.” The key issue here is control. Whatever is in control of our lives will automatically determine the outcome of our lives.

The influence of the Holy Spirit is channeled through the word of God. The more our minds are dominated by the word of God the more spiritually minded we become. This is an influence on our minds that stirs us to take steps and decisions in God’s direction. It literally propels us in God’s purpose and intents for our lives.

The ultimate purpose of the new creation is that the word of God will be written on the tablets of our hearts and minds. It therefore becomes our sole influence from the inside. 
Been spiritually minded is a process. It’s a process in which we give ourselves wholeheartedly to the study and meditation of the word. It takes over our minds and saturates our being. 
The alternative to this is being carnally minded. This is a life that does not agree with God, it contradicts God’s eternal word. We become carnally minded when we choose to see life from human and sinful perspectives other than what is stipulated by the word of God. Such a life can never please God. And when we don’t please God we cannot walk in his purpose for our lives.

I am spiritually minded. My mind is controlled by the word of God. I think and act in the direction of the word.

Pastor Ola Aina

Saturday, May 9, 2020


1. Dr. Ben Carson said, "I struggled academically throughout elementary school yet became the best neurosurgeon in the world in 1987."

LESSON: Struggling is a sign that you are on a verge of success. Don't quit yet. 

2. Oprah Winfrey said, "I was raped at the age of 9 yet I am one of the most influential women in the World." 

LESSON: Don't let your past decide your future.

3. Bill Gates said, "I didn't even complete my university education but became the world's richest man." 

LESSON: School does not make you rich. School is only supposed to polish what will make you rich, not make you rich.

4. Joyce Meyer said & I quote, "I was sexually, mentally, emotionally and verbally abused by my father as far back as I can remember, until I left home at the age of eighteen, yet I am one of the most influential preachers in the world." 

LESSON: Let your past push you, not define or limit you.

5. Christiano Ronaldo said, "I told my father that we would be very rich but he couldn't believe me. I made it a reality." 

LESSON: Your words rule your life. If you mean what you have said, each word will come to pass. You get what you say. 

6. Hear Lionel Messi!, "I used to serve tea at a shop to support my football training and still became one of the world's best footballers."

LESSON: Believe in your dream. Don't let your pain tell you how your future will look like. 

7. Steve Jobs penned, "I used to sleep on the floor in my friends' rooms, returning coke bottles for food, money, and getting weekly free meals at a local temple, I later on founded Apple Company." 

LESSON: That you are small today doesn't mean you will be small tomorrow. Keep trusting God.

8. Former British PM, Tony Blair said & I quote, "My teachers used to call me a failure, but I became a Prime Minister."

LESSON: Don't let someone else's opinions of you become your reality.

9. Bishop David Oyedepo said, "I started Living Faith Church from a lawn tennis court with three members only & preached prosperity. Many of my friends criticised me, but today we have the largest church auditorium in the world & two world-class universities."

LESSON: Believe in yourself even if no one does & never think of quitting.

10. Nelson Mandela said, "I was in prison for 27 years & still became president."

LESSON: You can be anything you want to be no matter where you have been or what you have been through.

11. Mike Adenuga said, "I drove a taxi to finance my university education but today I'm a billionaire." 

LESSON: Don't let your past decide the kind of future you need to have.

12. Harland Sanders, Founder of KFC said, "I was on the verge of suicide when an Idea of opening a restaurant hit me after I retired as a cook in the Navy."

LESSON: Nothing is ever too late. "Too late" is a language of failures. Your future can begin at any age. Don't ever let AGE limit you.

13. Aliko Dangote said, "I worked for my uncle since I was a small boy, people looked down on me. I later on took a loan from my uncle to open a tiny shop. I worked hard to make ends meet. Now I am the richest Man in Africa.

LESSON: Failures or limitations of the past have no control over the greatness in you. To him that believes, all things are possible.

14. Barack Hussein Obama said, I am a son of a black immigrant from Kenya, I graduated from Harvard and later on became a Senator in Chicago. I was also the President of the most powerful nation on Earth.

LESSON: Never design your life like a garden where anyone can walk in and out. Design it like the sky where everyone aspires to reach!

15. Arnold Swarzzenegger said, I traveled to America in search of financial independence when I was 15yrs old. I became the world's strongest man 7 times and Mr Universe. I then got my Economics degree, then I became one of Hollywood's best actors before I was voted twice as governor of California."

LESSON: Don't wait for everybody to believe in your ability and dreams.


“But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.” John 1:12 

Several Governments over the years had developed empowerment programs for the women, for the youths, for widows and so on. This has been grossly inadequate. There is no Government on the face of the earth that can successfully empower all its citizens. Even in the most advanced countries unemployment rate and poverty rate is on the rise daily.

Beyond human empowerment is a divine empowerment that is equally available for every human being on the face of the earth. It’s an empowerment that covers every group of human being on the face of the earth. It also covers every area of life.

Before any Government devised their empowerment programs, God has put in place his own program to make you a success in life. It’s an empowerment that is beyond the provisions of the economy. 

To be empowered means to be equipped with all it takes and required to function. We are empowered to function at the highest level of wisdom and insight. Christ is made unto us wisdom. Wisdom gives us a sense of direction in every issue of life. We are therefore on the advantage side of lie, because we have a source to draw from that is not limited to what was given us in the four-walls of school.

Receiving Christ into our lives is the greatest decision any of us could have made. His presence in our lives empowers us above failure and the limitations of this world. None of them can hold us down any more.

A government program does not determine our lives any more. We’ve gone ahead of them already.

We have been empowered by God to be all we are created to be. At work in me is divine enablement.

Pastor Ola Aina


MATTHEW 24:40-44
"Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come" (Matthew 24:42).

The events of the last days are clearly written in the Bible. The rapture of the saints, that is, the taking away of God's children from the earth to meet Jesus in the air, will soon take place. While this event will bring the deepest joy to friends of Jesus, yet, it is going to be a time of great disaster in human history.

Those who rejected Jesus and have lived their lives in sin will be left behind. Those who are left behind will face a period called the Great Tribulation. That is when Satan will appear in the form of the Antichrist and will rule the world in wickedness. Imagine the joy that awaits you, this should encourage your heart. No matter the temptation and the pains you may be going through now, a moment with Christ in glory will make them seem as nothing. In heaven, your Saviour will wipe away all your tears, embrace you and receive you unto Himself. Endeavour to keep yourself pure and ready for His coming.

Lord Jesus, I pray that I will be ready when You come.

Thursday, May 7, 2020


I told us in my last post that I am learning a lot during this lock-down and compulsory stay at home. 

I told us earlier how I had turned a professional plate washer, I can bath the kids now conveniently, put cream on them and wear them clothes. I can conveniently now clean them up when they pee or poo. I have learnt how to tuck them to bed too. The only thing I have not turned pro to is to apply the dusting powder on them when there is excessive heat. I find it difficult somehow, only their mother knows how to do that well and it really looks fine on them. The times I tried it even myself was scared of the result and kids look. I won't tell you how they look, am sure you can guess. That story is for another day when I am ready to laugh at myself really well.

Now back to our topic. The remedy is simple but it required a lot of discipline and sacrifice.

Let me tell you how God did help us with our own kids, although 99% of the credit belong to their mother. I will manage the 1% shaaaaa. This is what we do...

Before going to bed she will take them to pee. At night whenever she wakes up, she will do the same. Sometimes in the middle of the night up to 2 to 3 times at night before day break and the kids will sleep very soundly. After a while she gets use to it except maybe when she is ill or not feeling too well that is when I assist if I am at home and to the glory of God none of them have issues with peeing in bed while asleep or bed-wetting.

You can do the same. As parents you must be disciplined and you must sacrifice your own comfort and convenience for your kids so they and you can be happy at the long run.

There are other remedies though which I personally have not tried and I really cannot recommend them because I am not a medical personnel but if you feel it resonates with you, you can give it a try. That is making sure you reduce their liquid intake before they go to bed and making sure they eat earlier so whatever digestion needs to take place in them can be done before they go to bed and they too might have done the peeing or wee wee themselves before bed time. Like I said earlier I have not tried it but you can consult your doctor to find out if the recommendation is okay for kids. But, the one that worked for us as parent is the one I recommend initially that if we can sacrifice our sleep a little and be disciplined enough to take responsibility just for a space of one year or two, that is when the kids are between one to three years old, with God on our side, I want to believe bed-wetting will be a thing of the past in the lives of our children.

For those who are already experiencing a chronic type of kids bed-wetting I have the following recommendations:

1. Always pray with your kids before going to bed. If they are already asleep, you do not need to wake them for the prayers, just pray on them while they sleep.

2. Follow the recommendations above. I am sure if you really love your kids, it is not a sacrifice that is too heavy to pay

3. Seek medical advice or counsel

4. Don't be afraid and ashamed of them, with time and God on your side they will outgrow it no matter how long.

5. If you feel it is not normal or ordinary when they get to certain age like I said earlier, seek medical help and you can also seek for help or prayers from a genuine man of God.

You will not be ashamed of your children and no matter how long you live, you will not cry over any of your children in Jesus name. 

Thanks for reading

Bamishaye Bamidele Emmanuel

Tuesday, May 5, 2020


I have learnt a lot during this lockdown and the compulsory stay at home instruction by the government. Aside turning to a professional plate washer, kids bather and maintenance erudite pro, I learnt also how to relate with kids with less stress and hassle.

So, my two year old daughter recently went to the tap where I wanted to carry out my usual professional plate and utensils washing, took the 500g powdered soap that i want to use for washing and turned it all into a bowl of water containing the plates.

When I came to the scene I was not happy at all. I snapped her hand and bombom and she began to cry. I did'nt want her to cry. I didn't want to snap her either, but, it was the last soap at home that we also use for washing other things. Beside the fact that i don't even have a dime to purchase another one during the lockdown, there was no way I could have bought another one even if i have the cash without stepping outside. I felt bad I made her cry even though I made her realise what she did was not right but what will a two year old understand?

It didn't end there. When the mother wanted to wash some clothing at home, the same incidence occur. She just stepped into the house to collect somethings for washing. Before she came back sister MoyinOluwa has done the same thing. She has turned another 500g of powdered soup into a dirty water and when the mother came back, trust me, the next thing I heard is the voice of sister MoyinOluwa the commander in chief of our family. Yes, she cried and I didn't like it one more time. But, something happened that amazes me and that is the fact that her mother found a solution to the problem and sister MoyinOluwa was saved from constant snapping.

So, the mother bought another soap, this time however, instead of leaving it in the sachet she turned the whole powdered soap into a one litre plastic bottle and covered it very well, something sister Moyin will not be able to uncover and that is how we solved the problem of soap wastage and sister Moyin receiving enough snapping of her bombom. There lies the wisdom.

Whenever, we are dealing with kids and a particular issue is re-occurring, sometimes snapping the kids or shouting at them may not solve the problem. let us ask God for wisdom to deal with the issues bothering them and when God gives you wisdom to solve it, everyone will be happy for it.

James 1:5

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

Bamishaye Bamidele Emmanuel

Saturday, May 2, 2020


It is no longer news that the selling of paper recharge card is gradually fading away and the world is embracing the Virtual Top Up (VTU).

As a result so many organizations such as:

  • Telecommunications Companies
  • Banks
  • Quick Teller and
  • Individuals 
are making Billions of Naira from VTU. A tie will come that paper recharge will completely fade away as VTU can be done at the comfort of your home, work, business or office.

It is as a result of this I want to let you into the secret of starting your own VTU Business. 

Earlier you require lots of cash from N5,000,000 to N10,000,000 to start such businesses as these:
  1. Printing of Recharge Card
  2. Bulk sms business
  3. Selling of cheap Data bundles and Airtime
  4. Payment of TV Subscriptions (DSTV, Gotv and Startimes)
  5. Payment of Electricity Bills
  6. etc.
But, today with Just N15,000 and a smart phone you to can own your own VTU business and be able to do all that is listed above.

I will still go ahead and fund your personal wallet with N5,000 to start up and you are guaranteed N50,000 to N100,000 per month.
All formal training will be sent to your email or whatsapp. You do not need to travel down here to get the training.

If you are interested in the business above this is what you do:
Pay the sum of N15,000 for training and platform to:
Bank: GtBank
Name: Bamshaye Bamidele Emmanuel
Number: 0109494309


Bank: UBA
Name: Bamishaye Bamidele Emmanuel
Number: 2024167938


Include The Following In Your Message
  • The Bank name that you paid into
  • The teller number / deposit slip number / Transaction ID
  • Amount paid
  • Your name
  • Your phone number
  • Your e-Mail address
  • Depositor's name
  • Your Location, i.e-Jos, Lagos, Ibadan, etc.
  • Date of Payment

For further enquiries: Call or whatsapp: 08062451455

Olowu of Kuta, HRH Oba Adekunle Oyelude Makama, Tegbosun iii ON COVID-19

Olowu of Kuta, HRH Oba Adekunle Oyelude Makama, Tegbosun iii supports the vulnerable people such as widows, orphans and less privileged in Owu Kuta by given foodstuffs and various sum of cash to augment their feeding.

“This is our little way of giving back to the society as a royal father and to support our governor, Alhaji Gboyega Oyetola who is doing a good job towards improving the well-being of our people.” Olowu added.

Kabiyesi, your effort and contribution is laudable and commendable and this is our own little way of saying thank you. God bless you and your Kingdom. May your reign be long, peaceful and prosperous.